Dorothy Sutton Performance Festival Forms

Student Information


Check guidelines in the PhMTA website. Please include Op. No, tempo or name of movement. Total playing time MUST BE PRECISE! Note: Students using copied music without permission or who have “no music” will automatically be disqualified!

Registration Status

  • Solo


    If the student is performing by themselves

    $40.00 ea.

  • Ensemble


    $30.00 ea.

  • Late Registration

    Late Registration

    $45.00 ea.

  • Teacher Substitution Fees

    Teacher Substitution Fees

    $100.00 ea.

  • Teacher Not Present Fee

    Teacher Not Present Fee

    If you are a teacher who cannot attend the event, please select this fee to be paid.

    $100.00 ea.


Teacher Information

All teachers entering students are expected to assist on the day of the auditions or provide an adult substitute.

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software